




About Us

KGL Resources Limited is an Australian mineral explorer and developer focused on the delineation and development of the high grade Resource at the Jervois Copper Project in the Northern Territory, Australia and establishing a high grade, sustainable copper mine.

Using modern, cost-effective exploration methods, the Company has successfully defined a current JORC Resource of 23.37 Million tonnes at 2.02% Copper, 0.26g/t Gold and 26.0g/t Silver.

The Company is currently focused on completing its Project studies update that will determine the optimal development scenario at Jervois, with environmental approval recommended in October 2019, and the Jervois Mining Management Plan approved by the NT Government in January 2021.

Copper Stock Price



Jervois Copper Project

Development and Permitting

Other Prospects


Investor Centre


Recent legislative changes to the Corporations Act 2001 effective 1 April 2022 means there are new options available to you as a securityholder as to how you elect to receive your communications. We will no longer send you physical meeting documents unless you request a copy to be mailed.

 We encourage you to provide your email address so we can communicate with you electronically when securityholder notices become available online for such items as meeting documents, dividend statements and annual reports. You can make a standing election to receive some or all of your securityholder communications in physical or electronic form.

 To review or update your current communication preference simply logon to our share registries website https://investorcentre.linkgroup.com. You will need your portfolio log in details or your Securityholder Reference Number (SRN) or Holder Identification Number (HIN) and select the Communications tab at the top of the page.

 If at any time you require an additional copy of a communication, or you need more information about the options available to you, please contact Link Market Services via LMSComms@linkmarketservices.com.au



management planS

Review KGL”s approved Mining Management Plan, Groundwater, Surface Water and Social Impact management plans here.

annual management Reports

KGL reports annually against its obligations. Read the latest reports here.


Sustainability Report

Review KGL’s latest sustainability report here.

Environmental Impact statement

Review KGL”s approved Environmental Impact Statement here.



The heart of our business is all about our people and our shared passion for what we do. KGL Resources is founded on our values of integrity, accountability, respect and sustainability. We genuinely care for our employees, our partners and the communities we live and work in. Our industry delivers its own challenges and rewards but we are committed to supporting the wellbeing and success of our people and to making KGL a great place to work. 

We are building a team of talented and passionate professionals to work with KGL and be part of something special. If this sounds like you please check our current vacancies or register your interest via the email address below.

Join our team

We have current and future opportunities in exploration, operations and corporate support. If you are interested in employment with KGL please send your CV and details of the role you are interested in to careers@kglresources.com.au

Partner with KGL

For all other opportunities to partner with us please email info@kglresources.com.au


Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us any time via any of these methods.

Level 5, 167 Eagle Street, Brisbane

Phone: (07) 3071 9003
Fax: (07) 3071 9008
Email: info@kglresources.com.au